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Aviate Lupini Flake...
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Aviate Lupini Flakes

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Sooo, my three bags of Aviate Lupini Flakes arrived last night... Now, what's the best way to cook them?

I recall Steve sauteeing them with chorizo during a livestream, but I'll be using it as a side dish with roasted chicken, asparagus, and keto blueberry muffins (based on my sweet cornbread muffin recipe), so a hash wouldn't work so well. 

And what consistency am I gonna end up with if I boil like the package directions indicate - oatmeal? Soggy grains? 


Thanks for all advice and suggestions!

Steve @ SeriousKeto
Honorable Member Admin
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 373

If you cook them as the package describes, you will have soggy grains.  You can treat the flakes a lot like you would oats, but you can also treat them like you'd treat chickpeas.  So far, I've made falafel, hummus, crisped up in chorizo grease or other fat, and I've put the flakes into a meatloaf.  Aviate has some recipes on their site (though they aren't written all that well):

Maggie from Aviate has been making "overnight oats" with them, putting them in nut milk along with some chia seed and topped with berries.  I haven't tried that yet.

Illegitimi non carborundum
