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Carrington Farms Lupin Flour

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I recently heard about Lupin flour and found the brand, Carrington Farms Lupin Flour. This flour is more coarse and they pitch it as a substitute for couscous and quinoa. Is anyone familiar with this particular brand and any thoughts?

 I have tried it and think it has a lot of possibilities. I’m placing this under this forum as a product but hope to share it under a different forum as I work with it. 

Steve @ SeriousKeto
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I've only used Miracle Flour (didn't care for it), Lupina (better), and Small Town Specialties (my favorite, but had a carb count WAY higher than the others for some reason).

Illegitimi non carborundum

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I saw your video and it was one of the ones that got me looking into lupin flour. Then I found this brand and would love to have a couscous etc replacement. My plan is to work some recipes and eventually share them. 

Steve @ SeriousKeto
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Definitely let me know how it works out.  I'm intrigued...

Illegitimi non carborundum

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The Keto Kitchen channel on YouTube has done some work with lupin flour experimenting with substitution in recipes. 

Steve @ SeriousKeto
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I just ordered some from Amazon

Illegitimi non carborundum

Paterbrian reacted
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I like the Lupina as well. I’m trying a pasta recipe I found with it later this week. I’ll post how it goes.

Paterbrian reacted
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@ketoadmin Following up on the Lupin flour from Carrington farms, have you had a chance to mess with it at all? 

Steve @ SeriousKeto
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@paterbrian I have not.  I tend to get focused on a certain topic (such as carnivore for January) and need to get that out of my system.  I had ran across a couscous recipe in Milk Street Magazine and made a note of it to try with this brand of lupin.

Illegitimi non carborundum

Paterbrian reacted