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Has anyone tried the Sola products yet? Sweetener, bread, granola, hot dog and hamburger buns, and nut bars. I just ordered a few things, I passed on the granola and nut bars, though. I hope they're good!!

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“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.” – Thomas Edison

Steve @ SeriousKeto
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I saw a loaf of their gluten free bread at Costco a couple of trips ago.  It was still pretty high carb, so I passed on it.  Aside from that, I haven't seen anything at a store.

Illegitimi non carborundum

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@ketoadmin I didn't think it was so bad. What am I missing?


I listened to the Fasting Lane podcast and found out about the product when they interviewed the chef, author and part owner of Solasweet.


The bread is 3g of net carbs (nc), the buns 5g nc or less, granola bars 6g nc or less, nut bars 6g nc or less and the sweetner is 0 Net Carbs and 0 Glycemic Response. The only reason I didn't order the nut bars or granola is because I don't trust myself yet to have that kind of thing around. I took a chance with the Perfect Keto bars, and I'm doing ok with them in the house, because I don't think they're that great and I prefer your recipes to them. I'd rather make my 6 peanut butter delights every other week and make them last. LOL

“When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.” – Ayurvedic Proverb

“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.” – Thomas Edison

Steve @ SeriousKeto
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@valkyrie the Sola bread I saw wasn't labeled "low carb" or "keto".  I think it was just gluten free.

Illegitimi non carborundum

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The claim has been made by the company that it's keto friendly. However, it does contain wheat and soy and it's not the first time I've seen the claim of keto friendly products having wheat in it. This time, I thought I'd throw caution in the wind and actually give it a try. If I have trouble with any of it, in any way, my husband and some of my coworkers will probably eat it.  My main interest is the sweetener, that's what I went to the site to buy. Hence, my original question, I hadn't planned on ordering the breads, LOL.

“When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.” – Ayurvedic Proverb

“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.” – Thomas Edison
