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What is your favorite ________?

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Alright, I know you're out there, so let's get some activity going. Maybe this will help. I'm going to ask 3 questions about your keto life. After you answer my questions, maybe you have your own "what is your favorite_____?" question(s). Ask it/them. Ready?


1) What is your favorite alternative sweetener and why?


2) What is your favorite kitchen gadget or appliance?


3) Which ONE of Steve's recipes, that you've tried, is your favorite? JUST ONE, please don't list the recipes you're picking from, only mention one. It's hard, trust me. I had my own top 3, but I'm only mentioning one.


My answers:

1) Trader Joe's Organic Liquid Stevia. It doesn't taste fake or have a strange secondary flavor. to me, like SweetLeaf and other liquid stevias. I use it in my coffee and my lemon water daily.

2) My sieve, I really feel it makes a huge difference in how my recipes turn out.

3) Peanut Butter Chocolate Crunch Bars.


Your turn. {yellow}:wink:  



“When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.” – Ayurvedic Proverb

“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.” – Thomas Edison

SimpleTruths reacted
Steve @ SeriousKeto
Honorable Member Admin
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Posts: 373

Great idea for a topic!

1) I was tempted to say BochaSweet, but what I use daily in my coffee is SweetLeaf stevia drops.  This morning, I'm going with English Toffee.

2) This is tough.  I'm trying to think of which appliance I'd take if my house were on fire and I could only grab one thing.  It would probably be the Instant Pot.

3) I'm pretty fond of those BBQ chicken kabobs I did recently.  I could see making a bacon/bourbon chicken out of those soon.

Illegitimi non carborundum

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1) Favorite sweetener - Straight monkfruit.  A little bit goes a long way.  I can't use it of course for bulk measurements but I like that I can sweeten pana cotta, or other dessert with just a little with no aftertaste.

2) I am listing my favorite gadget and Appliance: 

     2a. Favorite gadget - my high temp spoonula.  Love this tool.  They are my go to for mixing, cooking, stirring, etc.  I use it every day.  I have 5-6 in my tools crock on my counter.  

     2b. Favorite Appliance - my toaster oven.  Now that there is two of us, I find I can do everything non-stove top in my toaster oven.  Even soups, stews, and Bone broth - although the pressure cooker would be better for that.

3. Favorite recipe - that's a tough one....Several come to mind immediately.  Probably the Peanut butter crunch bars too.  I make them in 1/2 and 1 ounce bites.  That way I can portion control easier.

Nice thinking challenge.  Thanks all. I will enjoy reading some of the others.


Valkyrie reacted
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1) Allulose, no, Bocha sweet, no, allulose, no, Bocha sweet.  Dang!  Love them both because they do not affect my plumbing and so not have that funky after taste that some sweeteners have.

2) My gas cooktop.  I love cooking with gas.  Mine has 4 burners plus a wok burner in the middle.

3) That's easy - Lupin flour crackers.  So versatile and so good.

Cooker of Good Food and Stuff

Valkyrie reacted