I m working on a recipe for chicken thighs in a mustard sauce. I used Dijon and french whole grain mustard but found that the sauce was slightly bitter. The issue seems to be in my choice of whole grain mustard and I was wondering if anyone had a recommendation?
Cooker of Good Food and Stuff
This is what I use (assuming I'm understanding what you mean by "whole grain" mustard):
Illegitimi non carborundum
Here's my "go-to" whole grain mustard.
Your bitterness might not be with the brand, but with the vinegar usually associated with the mustard. Add just a bit of sweetener. Not so much to sweeten, but counter the acidity. Also, (unsolicited advice...sorry) include a little cayenne or red pepper flakes to widen the flavor profile. Only enough to notice the spice as an aftertaste.
@papa-g Thanks so much! a couple of interesting options.
Cooker of Good Food and Stuff