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"It's like bacon ch...
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"It's like bacon cheesecake!"

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Made bacon jam and smoked cream cheese (triple batches of both) for a birthday party today. To go with, we had the InnoFoods Keto Crackers, Maria Emmerich's Best Keto Bread rolled into donut hole sized balls then cut in half, and three flavors of Brad's Veggie Crisps (which I get at Sprouts but can't freakin find on their site!). My cousin put a little bit of  the smoked cream cheese on an InnoFoods keto cracker, topped it with bacon jam, and took a bite. Eyes rolled back, she exclaimed, "It's like Bacon Cheesecake!!"

GIANT win, Steve!

Steve @ SeriousKeto
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Posts: 373

Awesome!  I never thought to combine the two recipes. {hands}:thumbsup:  

Illegitimi non carborundum

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@ketoadmin my cousin, an experienced keto baker, said she might attempt a cheesecake made with the smoked CC, some added rub, and a savory crust, and top it with the bacon jam. I'm excited! We're not sure if/how the temp change of the CC from the smoking process might impact how the cheesecake turns out, but we're sure willing to try!

Steve @ SeriousKeto
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I feel like I need to make a recipe like that as well before there is snow covering my smoker.

Illegitimi non carborundum
