Last seen: Nov 13, 2024
@calgaryguy What was your ratio of BochaSweet to water? Any other ingredients or preparation advice?
@blains I'll have to let someone else do that experiment. I just don't have much of a need for simple syrup. I've found that my tolerance for hard l...
Let me know if you crack the code. I've tried erythritol (Swerve) and some monk fruit. It recrystalized after a day or two in the fridge.
I with the rye powder was on Amazon.
Good info. I'll need to pay attention the next time I open one (perhaps do as you did and date it).
It's hard not to recommend steak. Have you been out to the ChefSteps site? Lots of info about sous vide there. I've also done scrambled eggs sous ...
@gigivarnum Did you get the Rye Flavor Powder directly from King Arthur? How much do you use? Because I see the label says to add 1 tsp to 1 TB, ye...
If you cook them as the package describes, you will have soggy grains. You can treat the flakes a lot like you would oats, but you can also treat the...
@gigivarnum I've done a couple of loaves in the bread maker. I'll get some that blow the top off and others that only rise half way up. I'm perplexe...
I just entered my first recipe in Cronometer and found it a lot easier / more intuitive than Carb Manager. It also provides macros at the decimal lev...
@blains I like the barcode scanning feature. Like I said, where the rubber meets the road is how hard/easy it is to enter a recipe. I'll have the an...